Last year, when my mom became ill, I spent alot of time in Missouri with her. As a result, I had to talk (and sometimes bribe) my son to help me feed and care for the pacas. As time went on, it got easier and easier to get him to help. This summer there were many days that he'd ask me if I wanted him to feed that day. He'd say I could work on some fiber stuff to get caught up. I thought, 'how cool!" Recently, I was in the barn feeding on a class day for him and he came home and came out to the barn where I was and scolded me that he said last night that he would feed for me that day. Sometimes, I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. This was one of those times. After another heart to heart talk with him explaining that I
like to come out and spend time with the pacas. It settles my nerves and I think about things going on in life and the time in the barn in general improves my mood and thinking. It was then the light bulb finally went on for me. He explained that was the same reason he liked to feed them, too!

So now my problem is that I have to share custody of the pacas with my son! It is a good problem to have. As you can see, the girls like him, too. Little Vienna loves him. She can be across the pasture and see him coming toward the gate and comes running to meet him. She doesn't do that for me! The boys really like him, too, and he can scratch their necks.

This is a picture of Venus. I sold a couple of felted hats at the Weavers' Guild Annual Sale made from her fiber. In the above pictures, yes, Rendezvous was last weekend. You can see the tents and teepees set up in the background. Its been a busy time around here. But when isn't it?
Talk to you soon, Tammy
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