This past weekend was the Weavers' Guild of St. Louis' Annual Sale in Clayton, MO at The Artists Guild in Oak Knoll Park. It was my first year selling at the sale (I have gone to the sale many times) and what a collaboration it is! So many fiber artists and their work! I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It is alot of work to get ready for it. But well worth it. It was enjoyable spending three days with the other members and getting to know them. The sale runs like a well oiled machine with Jane at the helm. It takes each and every one of us to make it work. And there are life long patrons that come each year, too. I was in awe.
This is a picture of some of the hats.

These are some of the scarves that were for sale. I say, 'were', because most of them sold at the sale! And no wonder, they were beautiful. Its hard to describe the sale. We were in 4 rooms downstairs and the clothing was upstairs. It was huge! I only photographed not even 1/4 of the show. As you walked around, it was easy to become over stimulated by all the awesome-ness of the talented artists. I would look into a room and wonder how many thousands of hours of work was represented in this one room?
On the left is a fiber art owl made by my friend, Tracy Deniszczuk. We took the felted fish class together a couple of weeks ago. On the right are silk brooches. They are about 2-3 inches.

More jewelery offerings.
And then add to my busy week a wonderful parcel in the mail! How exciting! The spinning wheels are beginning to arrive. You know they come from a distance when they put USA on your address. I couldn't wait to get them opened.

My husband put the wheel together for me while I was putting tags on Sale items. He marveled at how the wheel spun so effortlessly. Before he put the drive band on, he would spin the wheel and it circled around and around and around. I spun a little bit on her and she is nice! I am impressed. I will have two of them for sale at my next spinning class this weekend. I think the students are going to like these! I know I do. I can't forget to mention how much help my son and husband were to me this past week. Thank you, guys! Its been very hectic and I've had tunnel vision to get ready for the sale and they have taken care of the animals in my absence. I am blessed. You guys ROCK!

Percy is growing fast. His curled tips on his ears from birth are beginning to straighten out. He is running around the pasture like lightning! I'll get a picture of it for next time.
Talk to you soon, Tammy
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