Remember "Hee-Haw"? That country comedy show from the 70's? They had a bit on it named 'I'm pickin' and I'm grinnin'. That was a funny show and I thought about it alot this past weekend at my friend, Bonnie's, house. Its had to tell from this photo but it is a huge electric picking machine. I was feeding wool into it, prepping the wool for carding and singing, "I'm a pickin'!" and then I'd grin. I was cracking myself up! ok, maybe it was a little sleep deprevation, but I was having a good time. Just over my right shoulder is a conveyor belt that feeds the wool into the teeth of the picker. I think I will put one on my Christmas list. With a building to store it in. (hey, if you are wishing, you might as well wish BIG)
Remember the blue alpaca that I dyed last week? In the 'Singin' the Blues'? Here it is coming off Bonnie's carder. It is a sight of wonderment that I can watch all day! The blue wool came out so well that only a limited quantity of it will be for sale. I have to save some of it for myself. I will try to duplicate the color so more of it can go on the market. There is something about the color of denim that I totally love. love, love, love it! And thank you, Bonnie, for getting my wool carded! She helped me get wool ready to take to the Fiber Fun Fest this weekend and to the St. Louis Weavers' Guild Sale next weekend. We had several colors come off the carder, a nice Christmas red, and some sparkly browns that turned out very nice. The wool is now to the fun stage--spinning it into yarn to make hats, mitts, scarves or whatever you like. And remember, it takes a year of caring and feeding the animal to get this wool from him. Wet or dry, hot or cold, I go out every day to care for them. So please don't hold it against me if I save some of the product for myself. And of what I do sell, I don't charge that much for it considering how many hours and pounds of grain it took to produce it. There is a part of me in every ounce of wool I sell.

Isn't this a great camper? Have you ever seen one? This is my free spirit friend, Jaime. She camped out at Bonnie's last weekend. Her Burro has a heater in it and can be pulled by a car. She takes it to Canada on trips. I am fascinated by this camper. It would be great for me but my 6'5" husband would never fit! lol

And this is my Funky Felted Fish I made in Pam MacGregor's class. I really like my fish! He is very Funky! I believe I will hang him in the bathroom. It was a great class and I learned alot. I was, as usual, the last one finished with the fish but I was still within the time parameters of the class. I am a slow felter, I admit. I think I talk too much during work . Can you imagine that? Talk to you soon, Tammy
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