I have made
three knitted hats in the past week. Yes, alot of knitting. Alot of doctor's appointments and drive time. But I have some nice hats to show for it! The first one, the brown one, is alpaca with some wool blended in it Its made from Roadie's fleece. A nice, basic watchcap with a little different knitted rib pattern. Instead of K1 P1, or K2 P2, I used a K4 P2 K2 P2 pattern which turrned out nicely. So much in fact, that with the second cap I knitted I used the same pattern. Its for my son and he wants it dyed black so in the dyepot it will go! The third hat, the blue one, is made of a alpaca/silk combo (80/20) and is very soft. I took a basic hat pattern and added ear flaps for warmth in the cold, windy days of winter. Right now I am just collecting them. Not sure where they will end up. It is fun making them. I like to always have a project to work on.

The 'plus one' in the blog title is this one. I was remiss in posting this one last month! How could I forget this fedora? It was like Cinderella's slipper at the Weavers' Sale. It must have been tried on 6 times. I could have sold it 6 times, too, except for one person it was a little small, the next time a little too big. It is a natural brown alpaca with a black silk band. I am very pleased with the way it came out. I will definitely make some more of them. Some a little smaller and some a little bigger! lol And who knows? Maybe Cinderella (or Cinderfella) will come along and snatch up this one.
Talk to you soon, Tammy
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