'Sheep Pellet Bingo' was a popular game that was played in this pen. In the background you can see the 'Thunder and Lightning Cloggers' getting ready to go on. They entertained the crowd for about an hour. My babies weren't too happy with the loud music, though. But they got along alright.
This my sister, Susie, with my 'lovely assistant, Darrell' talking about the babies. Susie is up visiting from Florida. She said it wasn't even this hot yet back home! It was a warm day. The crias I brought were Autumn, Vienna and Diesel. The girls let alot of people pet on them and let them touch that soft, baby fiber. We talked with alot of people about alpacas. Well, I should say Darrell did. He is an excellent public relations guy. Him teamed up with Autumn and Vienna makes quite an impression! I'm very lucky to have him.
By the end of the day, the crias were more concerned about the hay than they were about all the kids that wanted to pet them.

This is our 3 Sisters' Workshop set up. There is me, then Amanda with GnomeAcres and Julie with Wier World Llamas and Alpacas. We made for a pretty busy corner!
And lastly, this is a picture of me (rare photo! I'm usually holding the camera) with the crias and fiber. I used a new set up for the fiber this year. We bought cardboard concrete tubes, cut them into sections and painted them different colors. They are stackable and we put bumps of roving in each one. It turned out better than we imagined! It is not an original idea, though. I got it from Country Living Magazine. They used them to mount onto a wall for organizing an entryway. Maybe you saw it? I just adapted it. It works very well! I am tired today and my body aches all over from yesterday but I can't wait for next year! It is one of my favorite festivals of the year. Hope to see you next time.
Talk to you soon, Tammy
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