The latest project I have finished is this Apple Cozy. I have just about finished 3 more and I want to take them to a Green Day Festival I have been invited to set up at tomorrow. I put a red vintage button on each of them. They have really turned out cute! I'm thinking they would also make a great Christmas present for a teacher, too. I'm going to take the mitts and scarves I've made during the winter also. I have finished my Stulpen. I haven't decided whether to take them to sell or not. I like them! I could, in theory, make another pair. I'm not the fastest knitter, though, and it takes me awhile to finish a project. I don't know if its that I'm a slow knitter or if I just don't have that much time each day to knit. I think its more of the latter. It seems like I got alot of knitting done last winter but that was because I spent alot of time at the hospital keeping my mom company and I knitted when I was there. She commented several times it became a comforting sound hearing my knitting needles clicking in the background. She knew I was there. So I think I'll keep my Stulpen (knitted cuffs). Talk to you soon, Tammy
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