"they come runnin' just as fast as they can, cause every girls crazy bout a sharp dressed man. da da da dum, da da da da (ZZ Top)" Yes, the girls go crazy for Laredo. It must be the grey tuxedo color or

his quiet demeanor. But the girls on my farm love this boy! In the past, I had girls that would only breed to him. I sold those girls in a package because my genetic tree for the alpacas was becoming a 'stick'. And this past fall, a new batch of girls would only breed to Laredo-again! You would think that an open female would breed to any male put with her. Not so here. For instance, Canela spit, kicked and yelled at Griffin when put together. Two times I put them together. I thought maybe she had a retained placenta or some kind of infection or something. The next minute I brought Laredo in the barn to breed to Vidalia. And here comes Canela and cushes at the door next to Laredo breeding Vidalia! The same thing happened with Emmee. And Aztec. So look at him pictured right. His slim build belies how much he eats. He is gorgeous. And full Peruvian. And he has thrown 8 for 9 grey crias no matter what color he is bred to. And he has thrown 8 for 9 female cria. And he is a gentleman breeder. So, I guess a genetic stick is better than a genetic stump! lol How can I go wrong with

grey girls? And now he is bred to half my girls for next year. Even Helen, the reigning barn queen, likes to sit by him when he is eating. She doesn't sit by any of the other boys. Ever. So there you have it, as you can see, "Every Girls Crazy Bout A Sharp Dressed Man!:"
Talk to you soon, Tammy
I love your music references!