So what are you doing on this snowy day? Autumn and I would like to know. She was all in my business today when I went out to feed. Actually, she is always in my business- rain, snow or shine. I enjoy farm life. I enjoy going outside to feed when its only 14 degrees and snowing like a madman. I spent 2 1/2 hours out there and finally said to myself, "I guess I HAVE to go in now. sigh." Some people may call me crazy, but this is my life.
To the right is Lonestar. He is turning into a handsome boy. His fiber is wonderful. And he has a fuzzy face that could be on postcards. All of last years crias are getting so big. I spent some time during feeding taking these pictures today.

At left, is Tricksee. I have never met a more photogenic animal! Every time I took out the camera, she would pose for me like this! She looks quite striking against the snowy background. You can see the snow on the alpaca's backs. Their wool has excellent insulating properties.

To the left is Jadzia and Diesel. Everyone is Jadzia's friend in the barn. She gets along with everybody. I have yet to see her spit at anything. I'm not sure she knows how. And right is another great pic of Tricksee with Aztec in the background. I wonder if it will ever stop snowing? We in the Midwest aren't used to it. So we need to whine about it alot! I think I'll go and pick up some knitting. Talk to you soon, Tammy
That photo of Autumn is incredibly cute!