Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy, Happy, Buzz, Buzz

That is what I have been up to this week. Buzzing around happily, trying to catch up on things. I have been very busy the past two weeks rehearsing for a song performance from the Bye, Bye Birdie production I did last fall with Christ Memorial Productions in St. Louis. It was nominated for Best Production Large Ensemble in the Arts For Life Best Performance Awards for 2011. I was also nominated for Best Performance By An Actress In A Comedic Role for my Mae Peterson. At the Awards Ceremony (which is a black tie affair) each nominated show does a number from their show. I was chosen to do my song from  Bye, Bye Birdie! Needless to say, I have been wearing out my friend Greg Mueller by wanting to rehearse. 500 people, most of who are my peers, were to be in the audience. I was immersed in trying to prepare for it. I was also wearing out the patience of my family. My son got a lot of 'huh's?' and  'you want what?' from me. I wasn't ever paying attention to conversations. I was preoccupied. I was in that place that I go to about a week before a production starts. I spend every waking hour thinking about every last detail of my performance. Each day. Everything revolves around me. Its a wonder I have a family at all and that lets me do a musical each year. I don't think I'd be able to tolerate my behavior. I don't mean to do it. I don't even realize until several days after the production ends that I did it again. So, thank you for putting up with me, family!!  I'm very fortunate to have received this on Sunday:

                               Its half inch thick etched glass on a marble base and it has my name on it!!

All the titles on the front cover of the program were productions done in the St. Louis area in 2011.  This award is pretty darn awesome! 

I usually knit to help calm my nerves during a production. This time, I was in my workshop carding fiber into batts for an upcoming Indie festival that I'm going to.

We've got your basic grey cria.

                                    And some art batts for your spinning pleasure.

And finally, a picture of me with two other 'Box Club' members on Sunday at the BPA's. This year, the awards were put back into their boxes after they were presented. (last year, Jesus dropped his and it broke. it was very sad.)

Sam, Jeff and me.

Talk to you soon,  Tammy

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