Within the first 5 minutes yesterday while cleaning out my mom's house, I twisted my knee. It hurts like crazy and today I feel like crap. I had previously made plans that today was going to be a felting day, but nope. It only stops hurting when it is elevated and no weight on it. Not too much can be done sitting down. Except knitting! I started a new pair of spring mitts but it is a pattern that has to be concentrated on and no talking. I haven't worked on it yet today because I have been a captive audience for the men in the household. I just finished a tutorial on "Lil' Wayne" and I am getting a much deserved break right now. I can't tell you what some of the other topics have been because by 11am I wasn't able to focus very well and my eyeballs were rotating to the back of my head. I'm going to hobble out to my workshop where I might be able to receive a little cover from the onslaught of verbage. Please wish me luck!

I snapped a couple of shots of the new beret I finished last week out of the Sabine yarn. I love this yarn! The hat is light and airy and a great springtime hat.
This is the pattern that comes with a yarn purchase. I'm making another one! And today looks like a good day for it.
Talk to you soon,
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