I have been very busy the past weeks getting ready to teach a class at the Jefferson City Fiber Retreat. I'm teaching how to make the feltball bracelet shown above. It should be a fun time! I've been putting together the class supplies and then there is all the 'stuff' you bring with you to something like this. You know, a knitting project. First, I have to decide on a mindless knitting project. One that I don't have to follow an intricate pattern because I am talking and visiting the whole while I am knitting. Then, what if I get that one done? I need to bring a back-up, mindless knitting project. Then, what if I get tired of knitting? I need to pack a needlefelting project. What if I don't feel like needlefelting? Watching people spin makes me want to spin. I have learned that before. So I'd better pack my spinning wheel, also. Luckily there is only wheel I travel with, so that one is easy! But what fiber do I bring to spin? Decisions, decisions! It takes me a while to pack. I am looking forward to a weekend with fiber people doing fibery things! I've added a couple more pics of the llama carting class. We will be offering it again in the fall. Talk to you soon,
This is Rob and Denise with Don Tomas.
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