Friday, July 30, 2010

Murder Mystery Dinner

We had the pleasure of attending a Murder Mystery Dinner Party hosted by Judy and Dan Brauchy this past weekend. It was a blast! We had a Vegas casino scenario and all those attending had a character they were portraying for the evening. During the evening, a murder was committed and at the end of the evening we were to guess 'who-done-it'!! I went as Liza Monelli, how fun is that? My most frequently asked question was how did I get all my hair under that wig! I even was asked to sing 'Cabaret' on the stage. I couldn't have had a better time. I was escorted by my husband, Darrell, who was playing the security guy (and who had a crush on Liza). Can you guess which picture is him? The man to his left is our friend, Sam, who played Tom Hanks (and one of my 4 ex's that were in attendance). The other couple are our hosts. Thanks, Judy and Dan!

                                                        Even Elvis Was There!

1 comment:

  1. Hosting a birthday party in ballpark seems quite interesting. My niece asked me to throw her a birthday party at one of local Seattle venues. Will surly arrange a memorable party. Have already started looking for unique preparing ideas.
