That was a great band I enjoyed in my youth. Maybe you remember them? If not, look them up on youtube sometime. I've been working on a little feet myself. I've been doing some sock knitting in various sizes. They are nice, portable projects.
and little feet like to wear them.

even if grandma doesn't like to waste yarn and makes them so they don't match exactly!
The other 'Little Feat' I have accomplished are these DinoShoes. Two different sized pairs, they allow the wearer to have his own Triceratops on his feet. They were very detail oriented. But adorable.
This picture is of them all wadded together. I haven't decided if I'm going into production of these yet. Or how many hundreds of dollars I would charge per pair. I'm sure I'll be making more this fall as little feet continue to grow.
Talk to you soon, Tammy