And this!
I can't concentrate on one yarn long enough to do anything with it. sigh. Luckily for me, it was my Fiber Guild's annual retreat this weekend. We 'take over' DuBois Youth Camp in DuBois, IL each year at this time for a weekend of fellowship and just plain ole good times! I threw a bunch of the yarn into a basket and took it with me. I caught up with the lives of some of my dear old (old as in years of friendship, not age) friends, ate great food and knitted. And we laughed alot. I mean a-lot! Its great to have friends that you can lay around in your pajamas with, no make-up on, and eat as many cookies as you like. And talk. and knit. and knit till your hand starts cramping up. then eat more cookies. Yeah, I had such a great time! lol It helped me work through some of my yarn a.d.d. (attention deficient disorder). I fell calmer and ready to tackle that pile of yarn in the workshop to get it in order to take to the shop.
I got a cute little summer scarf knitted. Take a look:
Talk to you soon, Tammy