Look at them. Aren't they beautiful? Look at the chocolate alpacas, too. All the detail. Well, They Gotta Go!
I mean it people. Go.
Why, you ask? This is why:
Each morning, I eat at least three cookies after breakfast with my coffee.
And the big but is--------The BIG BUTT! I can't go on eating that many.
So you may see a little Christmas angel giving them away.
Talk to you soon, Tammy
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
We are having a few days of unseasonably warmer weather here (it is about 48 today) and I decided to do some barn maintanence.
Percy, shown left, is growing into a gorgeous boy! The wool is now growing all over his face and his fleece is getting more dense. I am looking forward to shearing in the spring! again, I digress...
I dug out all the tank water heaters and the hose and the extension cords (or as they say in Southern Illinios--cards). I proceeded to scrub out all the water tanks and refill them with water. Yes, it is a job. But such a satisfying one! I enjoy working outside and with my son taking over alot of the day-to-day chores, it is something I miss. My back ached afterward but it didn't last long and the exercise is good for me. Time passes so fast when I'm outside. I guess it means that I do enjoy the work.
As I refilled the girls' water tank, they couldn't wait till I was done to get a drink. I've had Vidalia for a few years now. I don't know where she lived her first years. She is 13 now. She loves, loves to drink moving water. Maybe she grew up on a farm that had a stream, I don't know. She likes to drink out of the hose, too. Before the tank filled up, most of the girls had come by and gotten a drink. Hay makes a gal thirsty, ya know!
I couldn't resist taking this picture of my son and his designated helper. Vienna loves to 'help him' scoop poop piles. Its like she askes him what his fasination with her poop is all about because he collects it. She will follow him all around the pasture every time he does it. She loves her boy!
Being outside around the animals gives a feeling calm and contentment that is hard to describe. I enjoy it so and do not want to ever give it up. But now I do have to share it. But sharing it I don't mind too much. :)
Talk to you soon, Tammy
Monday, December 26, 2011
Acid Sunshine
One last Christmas cookie picture before I begin the blog. It looks like the cookies are headed to that snowy, winter scene! Those are chocolate sugar cookies (my own recipe) with chocolate icing. Long live the
Cookie King! lol
And now on to Acid Sunshine...
This is the skein of yarn that I dyed last week. Yes, I know it is bright! I was going for bright--but wow!
I was already having doubts about the idea I had perceived in my head. I was looking at it and looking at it. I was stumped. I couldn't decide if I should keep it or throw it in the trash. I showed it to my son. At 19 years old, he has been a source of great inspiration for me. I asked him to go out into the workshop and take a look at it and tell me his thoughts on it. He came in and said, "Well-- its bright!" I told him I can't think of a name for it, let alone what to use it for. He said that he'd call it, and wait for it........"Acid Sunshine!" Yep! that's what it is!
So I decided to ball it up to get a different look at it. I thought I might like it better. And I did!
Well, I thought there was hope for this yarn after all. And I started to get some ideas for it.
The picture still doesn't show the exact colors.
In a ball, it shows that it is indeed a self-striping yarn. It is a bugger to make, but definitely worth it.
Ta-Daaah!! I decided to make a slouchy beret hat out of it and it definitely shows the color sequencing. And, this picture shows the colors. I took the yarn and the hat into the quilt shop to put them on the shelves for sale. I'm glad I made the hat to show how cool self-striping yarn is!
I am, though, going to do a line with more muted colors for those who do not care to wear such bright colors. But the bright ones are fun to do!
Here is the yarn in the skeins. To look at it, you would never guess that it would become the hat that you saw in the above picture. The yarn is in the shop. Look for it. Acid Sunshine. One skein makes the hat.
Well, I'm off. Bound for more dyeing adventures.
Talk to you soon, Tammy
Cookie King! lol
And now on to Acid Sunshine...
This is the skein of yarn that I dyed last week. Yes, I know it is bright! I was going for bright--but wow!
I was already having doubts about the idea I had perceived in my head. I was looking at it and looking at it. I was stumped. I couldn't decide if I should keep it or throw it in the trash. I showed it to my son. At 19 years old, he has been a source of great inspiration for me. I asked him to go out into the workshop and take a look at it and tell me his thoughts on it. He came in and said, "Well-- its bright!" I told him I can't think of a name for it, let alone what to use it for. He said that he'd call it, and wait for it........"Acid Sunshine!" Yep! that's what it is!
So I decided to ball it up to get a different look at it. I thought I might like it better. And I did!
Well, I thought there was hope for this yarn after all. And I started to get some ideas for it.
The picture still doesn't show the exact colors.
In a ball, it shows that it is indeed a self-striping yarn. It is a bugger to make, but definitely worth it.
Ta-Daaah!! I decided to make a slouchy beret hat out of it and it definitely shows the color sequencing. And, this picture shows the colors. I took the yarn and the hat into the quilt shop to put them on the shelves for sale. I'm glad I made the hat to show how cool self-striping yarn is!
I am, though, going to do a line with more muted colors for those who do not care to wear such bright colors. But the bright ones are fun to do!
Here is the yarn in the skeins. To look at it, you would never guess that it would become the hat that you saw in the above picture. The yarn is in the shop. Look for it. Acid Sunshine. One skein makes the hat.
Well, I'm off. Bound for more dyeing adventures.
Talk to you soon, Tammy
Friday, December 23, 2011
The Cookie King
This is such a busy time of year for everyone. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, and at our house: BAKING! We hosted our annual cookie swap, but that was just the beginning of our cookie adventure. For me, it hit its climax last night. As I was pulling our dinner from the oven, I called to our son to come for dinner. He came into the kitchen and looked at me with big round eyes and gave me the 'head nod'. You know the one I'm talking about. The one where they are silently motioning you to meet them in the next room to talk about something private. Ok, so I sneak into the living room and he says, "When is he going to be done?! This is the third night in a row I have to eat dinner standing up! Mom, do something!" And he was right. My husband was in his annual cookie frenzy. He took the week off for vacation. He had been eating, sleeping, dreaming cookies. When he gets up in the morning, the first thing he does is get out one of his cookie books. He must have 6. Not cooking books--COOKIE books. He starts mixing in the morning and by evening, sometimes not even breaking for a lunch, this is what we have:
Well, when our son was complaining, the first thing I thought of was that all the years of making him sit down at the dinner table and have dinner together as a family and not in front of the television has paid off! He likes eating dinner together now and talking about how our day went or some other topic. All you young parents out there! Stand firm! it does pay off eventually. Oops! I digress.........
So anyway, I had to assure our son that I thought that last night was the 'last night' of it and that today I would be making cookies plates and we would get the kitchen back. And I told him he'd better beware. That Darrell's dad made cookies like this every Christmas when he was growing up and that his life has had cookies like this every Christmas and that when he gets out on his own, not to be surprised if it doesn't feel like Christmas unless he is surrounded by cookies! Odds are that he, too, will turn into a Cookie King! One of the other brothers is a Sous Chef in Chicago and the other won't let his wife bake much at Christmas because he is doing it. Take heed, young man! This could be you in 20 years! lol It is worth losing the kitchen for a week before Christmas because the man makes a damn fine cookie!
Have a wonderful holiday season! Tammy
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Houdini Rides Again!
Yes, here he is again folks! This is the third morning that I have gotten up to find Levi in the backyard. He is very content there and wants to take up residence. He has his own poop pile going and everything! But no. We walked down to the back gate together and I opened it up and he goes in. I guess he just wants some 'quality time' with the ladies.
It has rained so much here the past couple of days. We have "Lake Duensing" in the pasture, as you can see.
I really, really need to get the fencing fixed in the back pasture. Do you know of any traveling fence genie s that might be in my area?
Sunday, I volunteered at Christ Memorial's Christmas Tree Lot in South County, St. Louis. Over 25 trees were sold in that one day! I had a great time catching up with everyone and watching trees leave the lot. I wasn't much help with carrying trees, but I made up for it in socializing! lol CMP has alot of nice trees this year. Check them out!
And a big shout out goes to Allison, who bought a Ladybug spinning wheel from me this week! Yeah!
Spin Happy!
Talk to you soon, Tammy
Monday, December 12, 2011
8th Annual Cookie Swap
The 8th Annual Duensing Cookie Swap was held on Saturday at our house! It is an exciting time. This year, we had over 800 cookies at our house for an hour and a half. The rules are that each participant brings 6 dozen cookies and an extra container. We all swap cookies and you leave with 6 dozen 'different' cookies. All the while sipping on hot mulled cider. And some adventurous individuals spiked theirs with dark rum. Its a great drink if you haven't ever tried it! We had lots of holiday cheer going around! lol
These Santa faces are my husband's signature cookie. He makes them every year (by demand).
Do you see the Christmas mouse above right?
We had a great time talking and gathering our cookies. I will make a couple batches of chocolate chip and this day insures that I will have a nice plate of assorted cookies to take to all the holiday get-togethers we go to. Its also fun catching up with friends.
This is a picture of our grandson, Derek, saying 'cheese' with the icing from a Santa head all over his mouth! It was pretty cute!
I have gone two days without doing anything fibery as I was getting ready for the Swap. Its killing me! I will be catching up on things out in my workshop this week. I have started putting my yarn in the local quilt shop, Racoon Hollow Fabrics, in Waterloo. I am also selling knitting needles, Schacht spinning wheels and Majacraft spinning wheels. I will be adding more to the list and will keep you posted. Well, I'm off to eat a couple of cookies and dye some yarn.
Talk to you soon, Tammy
Friday, December 9, 2011
Keeping Busy
We had our first official snowfall this season. We had enough snow "to track a cat", as my husband says. Days like these are gloomy and cold and all I want to do is curl up and knit on something. Sometimes I take a break and spin on something. I have been getting alot of knitting done! lol Its time to get out the thermies, too. Thermal underwear. They're not just for grandpa anymore! They make them in this nice micro-fibery stuff (not a natural fiber by any means) that is soft to wear and doesn't leave polka dot indentions on your legs. They make all the difference in the world on days like today. I'm working at the Christmas Tree lot at Christ Memorial on Sunday and will be sure to wear them. And all the knitted plunder I can pile on, too!
I've been spinning some fun wild green yarn. Shown to the left. and some nice denim blue. Both alpaca yarn. I think I'll make some fun little scarves out of it. That green kind of glows in the dark, doesn't it?
I feel the beginnings of the Christmas Crazies coming on. That time when there is so much to do in a very short time frame. Then one day, Dec 26, its just over. But for a few weeks there is so much to do! So, off I go to get some of the things done and scratched off the top of my (way too long) list.
Spin Happy!
Talk to you soon, Tammy
I've been spinning some fun wild green yarn. Shown to the left. and some nice denim blue. Both alpaca yarn. I think I'll make some fun little scarves out of it. That green kind of glows in the dark, doesn't it?
I feel the beginnings of the Christmas Crazies coming on. That time when there is so much to do in a very short time frame. Then one day, Dec 26, its just over. But for a few weeks there is so much to do! So, off I go to get some of the things done and scratched off the top of my (way too long) list.
Spin Happy!
Talk to you soon, Tammy
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Dieing for Dyeing
Yesterday, I taught another Beginning Dyeing class with 3 Sisters' Workshop. We had a fun day full of color! We ended up with so many colorful yarns that it was hard to choose a favorite. I really liked this red, pictured below. We must have dyed over 4 pounds of wool! Yes, it was a busy day!
And here is some of the yarn that came out of the class. I enjoy dyeing yarn. It makes me appreciate color. And it makes me realize that I don't really have a favorite color. It seems that my favorite color ends up being the one that I am currently using. I do prefer darker shades more than pastel ones. Even for babies and young children. We are fortunate that we do not live in a black and white world. Thank goodness!

Talk to you soon, Tammy
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