Well here it is again! The Waterloo Homecoming Parade and I'm on Route 3 Bar and Grill's karaoke float! Yeah! It was the most fun I have had in a long time.
There were about 150 floats in the parade this year and the theme was "Made In America". Local, small town parades are big in this part of the country. As you can tell by the pictures I took.
Soon after we got lined up in our spot, I think it was #51, we cranked up the music.
Here's a picture of Kenny, owner of Rt 3, in the orange shirt and to his right is Darrell and his left is Austin. My first selection was 'You Ain't Woman Enough To Take My Man'. Then a duet with John Fahey, "Jackson". It hard to get more "Made In America" than Loretta Lynn! lol Then I sang "Johnny and June" as the float went down the road.
One of the most fun things was that our karaoke DJ, Chad Ruehl, couldn't see the screen on his laptop because of the sunlight. So he took one of the beer boxes, turned it on its side and put his laptop in it! Well, he could see the screen then! Box-a-tronics!
About 20 people were on hand to pass out candy and beads to the kids (and some adults) and some dinner coupons. Its fun to see the kids lined up along the road with bags waving to you and hoping for candy.
There were definitely some sugar highs going on!

After the official parade was over, we took the float on an 'unofficial' tour of town and the surrounding area advertising Rt 3 Bar And Grill and causing merriment wherever we went. The music continued, the karaoke continued and the good times rolled on for hours.
Yes, Waterloo likes her parades.
And so do I!
Talk to you soon, Tammy